The Pedigree Project  0.1
Result< T, E > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Result< T, E >, including all inherited members.

BaseValueType typedef (defined in Result< T, E >)Result< T, E >private
error() const (defined in Result< T, E >)Result< T, E >inline
hasError() const (defined in Result< T, E >)Result< T, E >inline
hasValue() const (defined in Result< T, E >)Result< T, E >inline
m_DefaultValue (defined in Result< T, E >)Result< T, E >privatestatic
m_Error (defined in Result< T, E >)Result< T, E >private
m_HasError (defined in Result< T, E >)Result< T, E >private
m_Value (defined in Result< T, E >)Result< T, E >private
Result()=delete (defined in Result< T, E >)Result< T, E >private
Result(const T &v) (defined in Result< T, E >)Result< T, E >inlineprivate
Result(const E &e, bool) (defined in Result< T, E >)Result< T, E >inlineprivate
value() const (defined in Result< T, E >)Result< T, E >inline
withError(const E &e) (defined in Result< T, E >)Result< T, E >inlinestatic
withValue(const T &v) (defined in Result< T, E >)Result< T, E >inlinestatic