The Pedigree Project  0.1
The Pedigree Project Documentation


Pedigree is a hobby operating system primarily designed by James Molloy and Joerg Pfahler and primarily implemented by James Molloy, Joerg Pfahler, and Matthew Iselin.

Just a user looking for help? Head straight to Pedigree User Guide.

The objectives of Pedigree are to develop a solid yet portable operating system from the ground up with an object oriented architecture where possible. The goal is to support multiple different subsystems to allow many different applications to run natively on Pedigree. At the moment a POSIX subsystem exists, with plans for the implementation of a native subsystem. Pedigree also caters for two different driver interfaces: our native, C++ interface, and the C "CDI" interface (ported from the Tyndur operating system).

At this stage Pedigree has a variety of substantial features. Pedigree has a functional TCP/IP stack that can be used for anything from connecting to IRC or browsing the internet. Some SDL applications can be compiled to run on Pedigree, and the graphics framework provides a robust C++ API for applications that need direct, unhindered access to the video framebuffer. Many POSIX applications can run on Pedigree with a simple recompile, all built upon the solid POSIX subsystem - including popular applications such as bash, lynx, and Apache. Pedigree also supports a variety of USB devices including mass storage devices, keyboards, mice, and DM9601-based USB ethernet adapters.

The OS currently supports the following architectures in various degrees;

This Documentation

This documentation is generated for each commit made to the repository, and also on a nightly basis. Patches and pull requests to improve the state of documentation across the codebase are always appreciated.

Some parts of the online generated documentation may be incomplete as the documentation is generated with preprocessor definitions typically used to build for X86-64.

Find a bug in documentation, or incorrect documentation? Please let us know by following the escalation path described in the Resources section.

Pedigree User Guide


The following lists the various components across the operating system.
