The Pedigree Project  0.1


In order to keep configuration as simple as possible, a "Registry" has been built into Pedigree. While having the same name as the Windows concept, internally it is totally unique.

Configuration is managed by a central manager, which provides a consistent interface that can be used without requiring knowledge of the configuration method. Backends can be plugged in quickly by sub-classing the Backend class, and ensuring the Backend is added to the configuration manager before it is used.


All configuration Backend classes must subclass ConfigurationBackend.


class ConfigurationManager
    ConfigurationManager &instance();

    size_t write(String configStore, String Table, String KeyName, String KeyValue, String ValueName, uintptr_t buffer, size_t nBytes);
    size_t read(String configStore, String Table, String KeyName, String KeyValue, String ValueName, uintptr_t buffer, size_t maxBytes);

    bool installBackend(ConfigurationBackend *pBackend, String configStore = "");
    void removeBackend(String configStore);

    bool backendExists(String configStore);

This class interface is designed to hide the internal configuration methods from the programmer. The most important concept to grasp is that of the configStore parameters. Each Backend, when installed, specifies a configStore which is used from then on to uniquely identify the Backend. Should configStore not be passed to installBackend, the name of the store will be obtained from the ConfigurationBackend::getConfigStore() method.


class ConfigurationBackend
    ConfigurationBackend(String configStore);
    virtual ~ConfiguratonBackend();

    virtual size_t write(String Table, String KeyName, String KeyValue, String ValueName, uintptr_t buffer, size_t nBytes);
    virtual size_t read(String Table, String KeyName, String KeyValue, String ValueName, uintptr_t buffer, size_t maxBytes) = 0;

    virtual String getConfigStore();

    virtual String getTypeName();

The interface for a ConfigurationBackend is relatively simple, as it is merely a layer of abstraction between the ConfigurationManager and different methods of storing configuration data. It is not compulsory to override write, as the store may be read-only. It is however compulsory to override read. It is not compulsory, but highly recommended for ease of implementation, to override the ConfigurationBackend::getConfigStore() method.

The destructor for ConfigurationBackend automatically removes the Backend from the ConfigurationManager. The constructor will not add the Backend automatically.

Example Implementation

To make the concept easier to understand, the following code shows an example of the use of this design. Note that this is more like psuedocode, and it will not compile on Pedigree (due to casting and lack of String constructor calls, mainly).

// SqlConfigBackend: a ConfigurationBackend for an SQL database
class SqlConfigBackend : public ConfigurationBackend
// Constructor - defines the database file (uses the name of the database file for configStore)
SqlConfigBackend(String fileName);
virtual ~SqlConfigBackend();
// Runs a query of the form "SELECT valueName FROM Table WHERE keyName=keyValue;"
size_t read(String Table, String KeyName, String KeyValue, String ValueName, uintptr_t buffer, size_t maxBytes);
// Updates the database (will execute an SQL SELECT, then an UPDATE or INSERT query)
size_t write(String Table, String KeyName, String KeyValue, String ValueName, uintptr_t buffer, size_t nBytes);
// Returns "SqlBackend"
String getTypeName();
SqlConfigBackend *sqlConfig = new SqlConfigBackend("root:/config/net-data");
ConfigurationManager::instance().installBackend(sqlConfig); // configStore = "net-data"
int NetworkCard::setStationInfo()
String Ipv4; // set above
uint8_t *ipAddr = new uint8_t[Ipv4.length() + 1];
strcpy(ipAddr, static_cast<const char*>(Ipv4));
ConfigurationManager::instance().write("net-data", "interfaces", "interface", "interface0", "ipv4", ipAddr, Ipv4.length());