The Pedigree Project  0.1
Compiler/platform abstraction
+ Collaboration diagram for Compiler/platform abstraction:


#define LWIP_NO_STDDEF_H   0
#define LWIP_NO_INTTYPES_H   0
#define X8_F   "02" PRIx8
#define LWIP_NO_LIMITS_H   0
#define LWIP_CONST_CAST(target_type, val)   ((target_type)((ptrdiff_t)val))
#define LWIP_ALIGNMENT_CAST(target_type, val)   LWIP_CONST_CAST(target_type, val)
#define LWIP_PTR_NUMERIC_CAST(target_type, val)   LWIP_CONST_CAST(target_type, val)
#define LWIP_DECLARE_MEMORY_ALIGNED(variable_name, size)   u8_t variable_name[LWIP_MEM_ALIGN_BUFFER(size)]
#define LWIP_MEM_ALIGN_SIZE(size)   (((size) + MEM_ALIGNMENT - 1U) & ~(MEM_ALIGNMENT-1U))
#define LWIP_MEM_ALIGN_BUFFER(size)   (((size) + MEM_ALIGNMENT - 1U))
#define LWIP_MEM_ALIGN(addr)   ((void *)(((mem_ptr_t)(addr) + MEM_ALIGNMENT - 1) & ~(mem_ptr_t)(MEM_ALIGNMENT-1)))
#define PACK_STRUCT_FIELD(x)   x
#define LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(x)   (void)x

Detailed Description

All defines related to this section must not be placed in lwipopts.h, but in arch/cc.h! These options cannot be #defined in lwipopts.h since they are not options of lwIP itself, but options of the lwIP port to your system.

Macro Definition Documentation


Define the byte order of the system. Needed for conversion of network data to host byte order. Allowed values: LITTLE_ENDIAN and BIG_ENDIAN

Definition at line 84 of file arch.h.

#define LWIP_ALIGNMENT_CAST (   target_type,
)    LWIP_CONST_CAST(target_type, val)

Get rid of alignment cast warnings (GCC -Wcast-align)

Definition at line 204 of file arch.h.

#define LWIP_CONST_CAST (   target_type,
)    ((target_type)((ptrdiff_t)val))

C++ const_cast<target_type>(val) equivalent to remove constness from a value (GCC -Wcast-qual)

Definition at line 199 of file arch.h.

Referenced by lwip_init(), lwip_strnstr(), and pbuf_skip().

#define LWIP_DECLARE_MEMORY_ALIGNED (   variable_name,
)    u8_t variable_name[LWIP_MEM_ALIGN_BUFFER(size)]

Allocates a memory buffer of specified size that is of sufficient size to align its start address using LWIP_MEM_ALIGN. You can declare your own version here e.g. to enforce alignment without adding trailing padding bytes (see LWIP_MEM_ALIGN_BUFFER) or your own section placement requirements.
e.g. if you use gcc and need 32 bit alignment:
#define LWIP_DECLARE_MEMORY_ALIGNED(variable_name, size) u8_t variable_name[size] __attribute__((aligned(4)))
or more portable:
#define LWIP_DECLARE_MEMORY_ALIGNED(variable_name, size) u32_t variable_name[(size + sizeof(u32_t) - 1) / sizeof(u32_t)]

Definition at line 225 of file arch.h.

#define LWIP_MEM_ALIGN (   addr)    ((void *)(((mem_ptr_t)(addr) + MEM_ALIGNMENT - 1) & ~(mem_ptr_t)(MEM_ALIGNMENT-1)))

Align a memory pointer to the alignment defined by MEM_ALIGNMENT so that ADDR % MEM_ALIGNMENT == 0

Definition at line 248 of file arch.h.

Referenced by mem_init(), memp_init_pool(), and pbuf_alloc().

#define LWIP_MEM_ALIGN_BUFFER (   size)    (((size) + MEM_ALIGNMENT - 1U))

Calculate safe memory size for an aligned buffer when using an unaligned type as storage. This includes a safety-margin on (MEM_ALIGNMENT - 1) at the start (e.g. if buffer is u8_t[] and actual data will be u32_t*)

Definition at line 241 of file arch.h.

#define LWIP_MEM_ALIGN_SIZE (   size)    (((size) + MEM_ALIGNMENT - 1U) & ~(MEM_ALIGNMENT-1U))

Calculate memory size for an aligned buffer - returns the next highest multiple of MEM_ALIGNMENT (e.g. LWIP_MEM_ALIGN_SIZE(3) and LWIP_MEM_ALIGN_SIZE(4) will both yield 4 for MEM_ALIGNMENT == 4).

Definition at line 233 of file arch.h.

Referenced by mem_malloc(), mem_trim(), and pbuf_alloc().

#define LWIP_NO_INTTYPES_H   0

Define this to 1 in arch/cc.h of your port if your compiler does not provide the stdint.h header. You need to typedef the generic types listed in lwip/arch.h yourself in this case (u8_t, u16_t...). Define this to 1 in arch/cc.h of your port if your compiler does not provide the inttypes.h header. You need to define the format strings listed in lwip/arch.h yourself in this case (X8_F, U16_F...).

Definition at line 152 of file arch.h.

#define LWIP_NO_LIMITS_H   0

Define this to 1 in arch/cc.h of your port if your compiler does not provide the limits.h header. You need to define the type limits yourself in this case (e.g. INT_MAX).

Definition at line 189 of file arch.h.

#define LWIP_NO_STDDEF_H   0

Define random number generator function of your system Platform specific diagnostic output.
Note the default implementation pulls in printf, which may in turn pull in a lot of standard libary code. In resource-constrained systems, this should be defined to something less resource-consuming. Platform specific assertion handling.
Note the default implementation pulls in printf, fflush and abort, which may in turn pull in a lot of standard libary code. In resource-constrained systems, this should be defined to something less resource-consuming. Define this to 1 in arch/cc.h of your port if you do not want to include stddef.h header to get size_t. You need to typedef size_t by yourself in this case.

Definition at line 120 of file arch.h.

#define LWIP_PTR_NUMERIC_CAST (   target_type,
)    LWIP_CONST_CAST(target_type, val)

Get rid of warnings related to pointer-to-numeric and vice-versa casts, e.g. "conversion from 'u8_t' to 'void *' of greater size"

Definition at line 211 of file arch.h.

#define LWIP_UNUSED_ARG (   x)    (void)x

Packed structs support using #include files before and after struct to be packed.
The file included BEFORE the struct is "arch/bpstruct.h".
The file included AFTER the struct is "arch/epstruct.h".
This can be used to implement struct packing on MS Visual C compilers, see the Win32 port in the lwIP contrib repository for reference. For examples of packed struct declarations, see include/lwip/prot/ subfolder.
A port to GCC/clang is included in lwIP, if you use these compilers there is nothing to do here.Eliminates compiler warning about unused arguments (GCC -Wextra -Wunused).

Definition at line 327 of file arch.h.

Referenced by lwip_init(), lwip_itoa(), memp_init_pool(), memp_malloc(), netif_set_link_down(), pbuf_coalesce(), and tcpip_send_msg_wait_sem().


Packed structs support. Placed BEFORE declaration of a packed struct.
For examples of packed struct declarations, see include/lwip/prot/ subfolder.
A port to GCC/clang is included in lwIP, if you use these compilers there is nothing to do here.

Definition at line 261 of file arch.h.


Packed structs support. Placed AFTER declaration of a packed struct.
For examples of packed struct declarations, see include/lwip/prot/ subfolder.
A port to GCC/clang is included in lwIP, if you use these compilers there is nothing to do here.

Definition at line 270 of file arch.h.

#define PACK_STRUCT_FIELD (   x)    x

Packed structs support. Placed between end of declaration of a packed struct and trailing semicolon.
For examples of packed struct declarations, see include/lwip/prot/ subfolder.
A port to GCC/clang is included in lwIP, if you use these compilers there is nothing to do here.Packed structs support. Wraps u32_t and u16_t members.
For examples of packed struct declarations, see include/lwip/prot/ subfolder.
A port to GCC/clang is included in lwIP, if you use these compilers there is nothing to do here.

Definition at line 292 of file arch.h.

#define PACK_STRUCT_FLD_8 (   x)    PACK_STRUCT_FIELD(x)

Packed structs support. Wraps u8_t members, where some compilers warn that packing is not necessary.
For examples of packed struct declarations, see include/lwip/prot/ subfolder.
A port to GCC/clang is included in lwIP, if you use these compilers there is nothing to do here.

Definition at line 301 of file arch.h.


Packed structs support. Wraps members that are packed structs themselves, where some compilers warn that packing is not necessary.
For examples of packed struct declarations, see include/lwip/prot/ subfolder.
A port to GCC/clang is included in lwIP, if you use these compilers there is nothing to do here.

Definition at line 310 of file arch.h.