The Pedigree Project  0.1
+ Collaboration diagram for TCP:


#define LWIP_TCP   1
#define TCP_MAXRTX   12
#define TCP_SYNMAXRTX   6
#define TCP_SND_QUEUELEN   ((4 * (TCP_SND_BUF) + (TCP_MSS - 1))/(TCP_MSS))
#define TCP_SNDLOWAT   LWIP_MIN(LWIP_MAX(((TCP_SND_BUF)/2), (2 * TCP_MSS) + 1), (TCP_SND_BUF) - 1)
#define LWIP_EVENT_API   0

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation

#define LWIP_EVENT_API   0

LWIP_EVENT_API and LWIP_CALLBACK_API: Only one of these should be set to 1. LWIP_EVENT_API==1: The user defines lwip_tcp_event() to receive all events (accept, sent, etc) that happen in the system. LWIP_CALLBACK_API==1: The PCB callback function is called directly for the event. This is the default.

Definition at line 1328 of file opt.h.

#define LWIP_TCP   1

LWIP_TCP==1: Turn on TCP.

Definition at line 1151 of file opt.h.


TCP_MSS: TCP Maximum segment size. (default is 536, a conservative default, you might want to increase this.) For the receive side, this MSS is advertised to the remote side when opening a connection. For the transmit size, this MSS sets an upper limit on the MSS advertised by the remote host. TCP_CALCULATE_EFF_SEND_MSS: "The maximum size of a segment that TCP really sends, the 'effective send MSS,' MUST be the smaller of the send MSS (which reflects the available reassembly buffer size at the remote host) and the largest size permitted by the IP layer" (RFC 1122) Setting this to 1 enables code that checks TCP_MSS against the MTU of the netif used for a connection and limits the MSS if it would be too big otherwise.

Definition at line 1214 of file opt.h.


The maximum allowed backlog for TCP listen netconns. This backlog is used unless another is explicitly specified. 0xff is the maximum (u8_t).

Definition at line 1281 of file opt.h.


TCP_LISTEN_BACKLOG: Enable the backlog option for tcp listen pcb.

Definition at line 1272 of file opt.h.

#define TCP_MAXRTX   12

TCP_WND: The size of a TCP window. This must be at least (2 * TCP_MSS) for things to work well. ATTENTION: when using TCP_RCV_SCALE, TCP_WND is the total size with scaling applied. Maximum window value in the TCP header will be TCP_WND >> TCP_RCV_SCALE TCP_MAXRTX: Maximum number of retransmissions of data segments.

Definition at line 1176 of file opt.h.


TCP_OOSEQ_MAX_BYTES: The maximum number of bytes queued on ooseq per pcb. Default is 0 (no limit). Only valid for TCP_QUEUE_OOSEQ==1.

Definition at line 1257 of file opt.h.


TCP_OOSEQ_MAX_PBUFS: The maximum number of pbufs queued on ooseq per pcb. Default is 0 (no limit). Only valid for TCP_QUEUE_OOSEQ==1.

Definition at line 1265 of file opt.h.


TCP_OVERSIZE: The maximum number of bytes that tcp_write may allocate ahead of time in an attempt to create shorter pbuf chains for transmission. The meaningful range is 0 to TCP_MSS. Some suggested values are:

0: Disable oversized allocation. Each tcp_write() allocates a new pbuf (old behaviour). 1: Allocate size-aligned pbufs with minimal excess. Use this if your scatter-gather DMA requires aligned fragments. 128: Limit the pbuf/memory overhead to 20%. TCP_MSS: Try to create unfragmented TCP packets. TCP_MSS/4: Try to create 4 fragments or less per TCP packet.

Definition at line 1299 of file opt.h.


TCP_QUEUE_OOSEQ==1: TCP will queue segments that arrive out of order. Define to 0 if your device is low on memory.

Definition at line 1191 of file opt.h.

#define TCP_SND_QUEUELEN   ((4 * (TCP_SND_BUF) + (TCP_MSS - 1))/(TCP_MSS))

TCP_SND_BUF: TCP sender buffer space (bytes). To achieve good performance, this should be at least 2 * TCP_MSS. TCP_SND_QUEUELEN: TCP sender buffer space (pbufs). This must be at least as much as (2 * TCP_SND_BUF/TCP_MSS) for things to work.

Definition at line 1231 of file opt.h.

#define TCP_SNDLOWAT   LWIP_MIN(LWIP_MAX(((TCP_SND_BUF)/2), (2 * TCP_MSS) + 1), (TCP_SND_BUF) - 1)

TCP_SNDLOWAT: TCP writable space (bytes). This must be less than TCP_SND_BUF. It is the amount of space which must be available in the TCP snd_buf for select to return writable (combined with TCP_SNDQUEUELOWAT).

Definition at line 1240 of file opt.h.


TCP_SNDQUEUELOWAT: TCP writable bufs (pbuf count). This must be less than TCP_SND_QUEUELEN. If the number of pbufs queued on a pcb drops below this number, select returns writable (combined with TCP_SNDLOWAT).

Definition at line 1249 of file opt.h.

#define TCP_SYNMAXRTX   6

TCP_SYNMAXRTX: Maximum number of retransmissions of SYN segments.

Definition at line 1183 of file opt.h.


TCP_TTL: Default Time-To-Live value.

Definition at line 1158 of file opt.h.


LWIP_TCP_TIMESTAMPS==1: support the TCP timestamp option. The timestamp option is currently only used to help remote hosts, it is not really used locally. Therefore, it is only enabled when a TS option is received in the initial SYN packet from a remote host. TCP_WND_UPDATE_THRESHOLD: difference in window to trigger an explicit window update

Definition at line 1317 of file opt.h.