The Pedigree Project  0.1
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 C_ListNode_t< T >One node in the list
 CArmV7PhysicalMemoryManager::PageStackThe Stack of pages (below4GB, below64GB, no constraint)
 CAtomic< T, bAllow >
 CAtomic< bool >
 CAtomic< size_t >
 CAtomic< ssize_t >
 CAtomic< T, true >
 CAtomic< uint64_t >
 CAtomic< uint8_t >
 CBloomFilter< T >
 CBloomFilter< uintptr_t >
 CBootstrapStruct_tBootstrap structure passed to the kernel entry point
 CBuffer< T, allowShortOperation >
 CBuffer< T, allowShortOperation >::MonitorTarget
 CBuffer< T, allowShortOperation >::Segment
 CBuffer< char >
 CBuffer< uint8_t >
 CBuffer< uint8_t, true >
 CHashTable< K, V, SiblingK, InitialBuckets, QuadraticProbe, GrowthFactor >
 CHashTable< K, V, SiblingK, InitialBuckets, QuadraticProbe, GrowthFactor >::bucket
 CHashTable< File::DataCacheKey, uintptr_t >
 CHashTable< String, DirectoryEntry *, HashedStringView >
 CHashTable< String, Filesystem *, HashedStringView >
 CHashTable< X86CommonPhysicalMemoryManager::PageHashable, struct X86CommonPhysicalMemoryManager::page >
 CHidReport::CollectionStructure representing a Collection whitin a report
 CHidReport::InputBlockStructure representing an Input block whitin a Collection
 CHidReport::LocalStateStructure holding various global and local values for a Main item
 CHostedPhysicalMemoryManager::PageStackThe Stack of pages (below4GB, below64GB, no constraint)
 CInterruptHandlerAbstract base class for interrupt-handlers
 CInterruptManagerHandles interrupts and interrupt registrations from kernel components
 CIoBaseAbstrace base class for hardware I/O capabilities
 CIoPortManagerManages hardware I/O port (de)allocations
 CIpc::IpcEndpoint::QueuedMessageA queued message ready for retrieval
 CIterator< originalT, Struct, FunctionPrev, FunctionNext, T >An iterator applicable for many data structures
 CIteratorAdapter< T, Iterator >IteratorAdapter reinterpret_casts an Iterators element to another type
 CKeymapManager::KeymapEntryStructure representing an entry in the keymap table
 CKeymapManager::SparseEntryStructure representing an entry in the sparse table
 CLazyEvaluate< T, M, create, destroy >
 CList< T, nodePoolSize >
 CList< Buffer::MonitorTarget * >
 CList< Buffer::Segment * >
 CList< Cache * >
 CList< char * >
 CList< class Thread * >
 CList< Display::ScreenMode * >
 CList< Dm9601::Packet * >
 CList< Event * >
 CList< File::MonitorTarget * >
 CList< Filesystem::ProbeCallback * >
 CList< GPTimer::Alarm * >
 CList< GraphicsService::GraphicsProvider * >
 CList< Group * >
 CList< HostedTimer::Alarm * >
 CList< InputManager::CallbackItem * >
 CList< InputManager::InputNotification * >
 CList< Ipc::IpcEndpoint::QueuedMessage * >
 CList< IrqHandler * >
 CList< MemoryPressureHandler * >
 CList< MemoryTrapHandler * >
 CList< MountCallback * >
 CList< Ne2k::packet * >
 CList< Ohci::ED * >
 CList< Ohci::TD * >
 CList< PosixProcess * >
 CList< Process * >
 CList< Process *, 0 >
 CList< ProducerConsumer::Task * >
 CList< RequestQueue::Request * >
 CList< RingBuffer::MonitorTarget * >
 CList< Rtc::Alarm * >
 CList< Semaphore * >
 CList< struct UnixSocket::buf * >
 CList< T >
 CList< TD * >
 CList< Thread * >
 CList< Uhci::QH * >
 CList< Uhci::TD * >
 CList< UnixSocket * >
 CList< UsbPnP::CallbackItem * >
 CList< User * >
 CList< void * >
 CList< WakeReason * >
 CLockGuard< T >
 CLogKernel's log
 CLruCache< K, T, Slots >LruCache provides a least-recently-used cache abstraction
 CLruCache< K, T, Slots >::Slot
 CLruCache< String, File * >
 CLruCache< String, Filesystem * >
 CMD5This class represents the implementation of the md5 message digest algorithm
 CMemoryRegionSpecial memory entity in the kernel's virtual address space
 Cnonconst_type< T >Remove the const qualifier of a type
 Cnonconst_type< const T >Remove the const qualifier of a type
 CObjectPool< T, poolSize >
 CObjectPool< _ListNode_t, 16 >
 CObjectPool< _ListNode_t, nodePoolSize >
 CObjectPool< RadixTree::Node >
 CPair< T1, T2 >
 Cpedigree_fb_modesetAll zeroes = 'revert to text mode'
 CPedigreeIpc::StandardIpcMessageA standard IPC message that is less than 4 KB in size
 CPointerGuard< T >
 CProcessorThe exception was caused by a hardware task switch
 CRadixTree< T >A key/value dictionary for string keys
 CRadixTree< T >::Node
 CRadixTree< ConfigurationBackend * >
 CRadixTree< ConfigValue * >
 CRadixTree< MemoryBackend::Table * >
 CRadixTree< ServiceManager::InternalService * >
 CRadixTree< void * >
 CRangeList< T, Reversed >
 CRangeList< T, Reversed >::Range
 CRangeList< physical_uintptr_t >
 CRangeList< uint32_t >
 CRangeList< uint64_t >
 CRangeList< uintptr_t >
 CRecursingLockGuard< T >
 CResult< T, E >
 CRingBuffer< T >Utility class to provide a ring buffer
 CRingBuffer< T >::MonitorTarget
 CRingBuffer< struct UnixSocket::buf * >
 CRingBuffer< void * >
 CSchedulerThis class manages how processes and threads are scheduled across processors
 CSharedBufferAbstracts a buffer shared between multiple processes
 CSharedPointer< T >
 CSharedPointer< T >::Control
 CSharedPointer< class NetworkSyscalls >
 CSharedPointer< ExtensibleBitmap >
 CSingleton< T >
 CStaticCord< N >
 CStaticCord< N >::CordIterator
 CStaticCord< N >::CordSegment
 CStaticString< N >
 CStaticString< 128 >
 CStaticString< 64 >
 CStaticString< LOG_LENGTH >
 CTree< K, E >A key/value dictionary
 CTree< K, E >::IteratorNode
 CTree< K, E >::Node
 CTree< Elf *, SharedPointer< symbolTree_t > >
 CTree< Filesystem *, List< String * > * >
 CTree< Network *, struct netif * >
 CTree< PerProcessorScheduler *, List< Thread * > * >
 CTree< PerProcessorScheduler *, PerProcessorScheduler * >
 CTree< rgb_t *, VbeDisplay::Buffer * >
 CTree< size_t, AllocationCommand::Allocation * >
 CTree< size_t, bool >
 CTree< size_t, Device * >
 CTree< size_t, FileDescriptor * >
 CTree< size_t, Group * >
 CTree< size_t, List< void * > * >
 CTree< size_t, PosixSubsystem::PosixSyncObject * >
 CTree< size_t, PosixSubsystem::PosixThread * >
 CTree< size_t, PosixSubsystem::PosixThreadKey * >
 CTree< size_t, PosixSubsystem::SignalHandler * >
 CTree< size_t, ProcFsDirectory * >
 CTree< size_t, SlamCommand::SlamAllocation * >
 CTree< size_t, User * >
 CTree< struct netconn *, LwipSocketSyscalls * >
 CTree< Thread *, PerProcessorScheduler * >
 CTree< uint8_t, HidInputManager::KeyState * >
 CTree< uint8_t, KeymapManager::KeyState * >
 CTree< uintptr_t, Cache::CachePage * >
 CTree< uintptr_t, DynamicLinker::SharedObject * >
 CTree< uintptr_t, physical_uintptr_t >
 CTree< uintptr_t, uintptr_t >
 CTree< VirtualAddressSpace *, List * >
 CTree< void *, NativeBase * >
 CTree< void *, Semaphore * >
 CTreeIterator< originalT, Struct, FunctionPrev, FunctionNext, K, T >An iterator applicable for many data structures
 CUniqueCommon< T >
 CUniqueCommon< char >
 CUsbHub::SyncParamStructure used synchronous transactions
 CVector< T >A vector / dynamic array
 CVector< T >::ReverseIteratorContainer< T_ >
 CVector< _ListNode_t * >
 CVector< AllocationCommand::Allocation * >
 CVector< ConsoleFile * >
 CVector< Cord::CordSegment >
 CVector< Device * >
 CVector< Device::Address * >
 CVector< HidReport::Collection::Child * >
 CVector< int64_t >
 CVector< IoPort * >
 CVector< MemoryRegion * >
 CVector< Module * >
 CVector< Network * >
 CVector< Node * >
 CVector< RadixTree::Node * >
 CVector< RangeList::Range * >
 CVector< Semaphore * >
 CVector< size_t >
 CVector< Stack * >
 CVector< T * >
 CVector< Thread * >
 CVector< uint32_t >
 CVector< UsbDevice::ConfigDescriptor * >
 CVector< UsbDevice::Endpoint * >
 CVector< UsbDevice::Interface * >
 CVector< UsbDevice::UnknownDescriptor * >
 CVector< void * >
 CX86CommonPhysicalMemoryManager::PageStackThe Stack of pages (below4GB, below64GB, no constraint)
 CXterm::XtermCmdSet of parameters for the XTerm commands