C__attribute__ | |
C__cxa_atexit_record | |
C_ListNode_t< T > | One node in the list |
C_mmap_tmp | |
C_object_meta | |
CAggInfo | |
CAggInfo::AggInfo_col | |
CAggInfo::AggInfo_func | |
CAllocationCommand::Allocation | |
CanalysisInfo | |
CApplePartitionMap | |
CArchive | |
CArchive::ArchiveFile | |
CARM926EInterruptState | |
CArm926EVirtualAddressSpace::CoarseTable | |
CArm926EVirtualAddressSpace::FineTable | |
CArm926EVirtualAddressSpace::FirstLevelDescriptor_Coarse | |
CArm926EVirtualAddressSpace::FirstLevelDescriptor_Coarse::Desc | |
CArm926EVirtualAddressSpace::FirstLevelDescriptor_Fault | |
CArm926EVirtualAddressSpace::FirstLevelDescriptor_Fault::Desc | |
CArm926EVirtualAddressSpace::FirstLevelDescriptor_Fine | |
CArm926EVirtualAddressSpace::FirstLevelDescriptor_Fine::Desc | |
CArm926EVirtualAddressSpace::FirstLevelDescriptor_Section | |
CArm926EVirtualAddressSpace::FirstLevelDescriptor_Section::Desc | |
CArm926EVirtualAddressSpace::SectionTable | |
CArm926EVirtualAddressSpace::Translation | |
CArmCommonProcessorInformation | |
CARMV7InterruptState | |
CArmV7PhysicalMemoryManager::PageStack | The Stack of pages (below4GB, below64GB, no constraint) |
CArmV7VirtualAddressSpace::FirstLevelDescriptor | |
CArmV7VirtualAddressSpace::SecondLevelDescriptor | |
CArmVersatileSerial::serial | |
CAsidManager | |
CAssignedAddress | |
CAtaDisk::Buffer | |
Catag | |
Catag_cmdline | |
Catag_core | |
Catag_header | |
Catag_initrd2 | |
Catag_mem | |
Catag_ramdisk | |
Catag_revision | |
Catag_serialnr | |
Catag_videolfb | |
Catag_videotext | |
CAtaStatus | |
CAtomic< T, bAllow > | |
CAtomic< bool > | |
►CAtomic< size_t > | |
CAtomic< bool, true > | |
CAtomic< ssize_t > | |
CAtomic< T, true > | |
CAtomic< uint64_t > | |
CAtomic< uint8_t > | |
CAu1500Serial::serial | |
CAuthContext | |
CAutoincInfo | |
CAuxData | |
CBacktrace | |
CBeagleGpio | |
CBios | |
CBitboard | |
CBitvec | |
Cblitargs | |
Cblob | |
CBloomFilter< T > | |
CBloomFilter< uintptr_t > | |
CBoardState | |
CBonito64Interface | |
CBootIO | |
CBootstrapStruct_t | Bootstrap structure passed to the kernel entry point |
CBtCursor | |
CBtLock | |
CBtree | |
CBtreePayload | |
CBtShared | |
CBuffer< T, allowShortOperation > | |
CBuffer< T, allowShortOperation >::MonitorTarget | |
CBuffer< T, allowShortOperation >::Segment | |
CBuffer< char > | |
CBuffer< uint8_t > | |
CBuffer< uint8_t, true > | |
CBusMasterIde | |
CBusMasterIdeCommandRegister | |
CBusMasterIdeDescriptorTablePointerRegister | |
CBusMasterIdeStatusRegister | |
CBusMasterIdeStatusRegister::bits | |
CBusyHandler | |
CCache | |
CCache::CachePage | |
CCache::callbackMeta | |
CCachePageGuard | |
Ccap_data | |
Ccap_header | |
Ccdi_dma_osdep | |
Ccdi_list_implementation | |
Ccdi_mem_osdep | |
Ccdi_pci_device_osdep | |
CCellArray | |
CCellInfo | |
Ccmd | |
Ccmd_list | |
CCollSeq | |
CColumn | |
CCommandLineOptions | |
CcompareInfo | |
CConditionVariable | |
CConfig | |
CConfig::Result | |
CConfigAddress | |
►CConfigurationBackend | |
CMemoryBackend | |
CConfigurationManager | |
CConfigValue | |
CCord | |
CCord::CordIterator | |
CCord::CordSegment | |
CCountCtx | |
Ccreateargs | |
CDate | |
CDateTime | |
CDb | |
CDbFixer | |
►CDebuggerCommand | |
CAllocationCommand | |
CBacktracer | |
CBreakpointCommand | |
CCpuInfoCommand | |
CDevicesCommand | |
CDisassembleCommand | |
CDumpCommand | |
CHelpCommand | |
CIoCommand | |
CLocksCommand | |
CLogViewer | |
CLookupCommand | |
CMappingCommand | |
CMemoryInspector | |
CPanicCommand | |
CQuitCommand | |
CSlamCommand | |
CStepCommand | |
CSyscallTracerCommand | |
CThreadsCommand | |
CTraceCommand | |
►CDebuggerIO | |
CLocalIO | |
CSerialIO | |
Cdef | |
Cdemangle | |
►CDevice | |
CBus | |
►CController | |
CPs2Controller | |
►CScsiController | |
►CAtaController | |
CIsaAtaController | |
CPciAtaController | |
CUsbMassStorageDevice | |
►CDisk | |
CCdiDisk | |
CDiskImage | |
CFileDisk | |
CPartition | |
►CScsiDisk | |
CAtaDisk | |
►CDisplay | |
►CFramebuffer | Abstracts the system's framebuffer offering |
CVbeFramebuffer | |
CVmwareGraphics::VmwareFramebuffer | |
CVbeDisplay | |
CVmwareGraphics | |
CIb700Watchdog | |
►CNetwork | |
CCdiNet | |
CDm9601 | |
CLoopback | |
CNe2k | |
CNic3C90x | |
CRtl8139 | |
CPs2Mouse | |
CUsbDeviceContainer | |
►CUsbHub | |
CEhci | |
COhci | |
CUhci | |
CUsbHubDevice | |
CDevice::Address | |
CDeviceHashTree | |
Cdhcp_msg | |
CDir | |
CDirectory::DirectoryEntryMetadata | |
CDirLongFilename | |
CDirtyRectangle | |
►CDisassemblerBase | |
CArm926EDisassembler | |
CMipsDisassembler | |
CPPCDisassembler | |
CX86Disassembler | |
CDisplay::PixelFormat | |
CDisplay::rgb_t | |
CDisplay::ScreenMode | |
CDistinctCtx | |
CdlHandle | |
CDm9601::InterruptInPacket | |
CDm9601::Packet | |
CDma | |
Cdns_hdr | |
Cdrawargs | |
CDwarfCfiAutomaton | |
CDwarfState | |
CDwarfUnwinder | |
CDynamicLinker | |
CDynamicLinker::SharedObject | |
CEhci::QH | |
CEhci::QH::MetaData | |
CEhci::qTD | |
►CElf | |
CKernelElf | |
CElf32 | |
CElf32::Elf32Dyn_t | |
CElf32::Elf32Header_t | |
CElf32::Elf32ProcessHeader_t | |
CElf32::Elf32Rel_t | |
CElf32::Elf32SectionHeader_t | |
CElf32::Elf32Symbol_t | |
CElf::Elf32SectionHeader_t | |
CElf::Elf32Symbol_t | |
CElf::ElfDyn_t | |
CElf::ElfHash_t | |
CElf::ElfHeader_t | |
CElf::ElfProgramHeader_t | |
CElf::ElfRel_t | |
CElf::ElfRela_t | |
CElf::ElfSectionHeader_t | |
CElf::ElfSymbol_t | |
CElf_t | |
CElfHeader_t | |
CElfRel_t | |
CElfSectionHeader_t | |
CElfSymbol_t | |
CEngine | |
CEnsureInterrupts | |
Cet_info | |
Ceth_addr | |
Ceth_hdr | |
Ceth_vlan_hdr | |
Cetharp_hdr | |
►CEvent | |
CInputEvent | |
CIoEvent | |
CPollEvent | |
CPosixTerminalEvent | |
CSelectEvent | |
CSemaphore::SemaphoreEvent | |
CSignalEvent | |
CTime::DelayTimerEvent | |
CTimeoutGuard::TimeoutGuardEvent | |
CEventManager | |
CExpr | |
CExprList | |
CExprList::ExprList_item | |
CExprSpan | |
►CExt2Node | |
CExt2Directory | |
CExt2File | |
CExt2Symlink | |
CExtensibleBitmap | |
CFatFileInfo | |
CFatFilesystem::RootDirInfo | |
►CFile | |
►CConsoleFile | |
CConsoleMasterFile | |
CConsolePhysicalFile | |
CConsoleSlaveFile | |
CConstantFile | |
►CDirectory | |
CDevFsDirectory | |
CExt2Directory | |
CFatDirectory | |
CIso9660Directory | |
CProcFsDirectory | |
CRamDir | |
CRawFsDir | |
CUnixDirectory | |
CExt2File | |
CFatFile | |
CFramebufferFile | |
CIso9660File | |
CMemFile | |
CMeminfoFile | |
CMountFile | |
CNullFile | |
CPciDevicesFile | |
CPipe | |
CPsAuxFile | |
CPtmxFile | |
CRamFile | |
CRandomFile | |
CRawFsFile | |
CRtcFile | |
►CSymlink | |
CExt2Symlink | |
CFatSymlink | |
CTextIO | |
CTty0File | |
CUnixSocket | |
CUptimeFile | |
CZeroFile | |
CFile::DataCacheKey | |
CFile::MonitorTarget | |
CFileChunk | |
CFileDescriptor | |
CFilePoint | |
►CFilesystem | |
CConsoleManager | |
CDevFs | |
CExt2Filesystem | |
CFatFilesystem | |
CIso9660Filesystem | |
CProcFs | |
CRamFs | |
CRawFs | |
CUnixFilesystem | |
CFirstLevelDescriptor | |
CFKey | |
CFKey::sColMap | |
CFont | |
CFontLibraries | |
CforkHandler | |
Cfourargs | |
CFSInfo32 | |
Cfts5_api | |
Cfts5_tokenizer | |
CFts5ExtensionApi | |
CFts5PhraseIter | |
CFuncDef | |
CFuncDefHash | |
CFuncDestructor | |
CGpio | |
CGPTimer::Alarm | |
CGraphics::Buffer | |
CGraphicsService::GraphicsParameters | |
CGraphicsService::GraphicsProvider | |
CGraphicsService::ProviderPair | |
CGroup | |
CGroupDesc | |
CHash | |
CHash::_ht | |
CHashedPageTable | |
CHashedPageTable::BATL | |
CHashedPageTable::BATU | |
CHashedPageTable::PTE | |
CHashedPageTable::PTEG | |
CHashElem | |
CHashTable< K, V, SiblingK, InitialBuckets, QuadraticProbe, GrowthFactor > | |
CHashTable< K, V, SiblingK, InitialBuckets, QuadraticProbe, GrowthFactor >::bucket | |
CHashTable< File::DataCacheKey, uintptr_t > | |
CHashTable< String, DirectoryEntry *, HashedStringView > | |
CHashTable< String, Filesystem *, HashedStringView > | |
CHashTable< X86CommonPhysicalMemoryManager::PageHashable, struct X86CommonPhysicalMemoryManager::page > | |
CHidInputManager::KeyState | |
CHidReport | |
CHidReport::Collection | Structure representing a Collection whitin a report |
CHidReport::Collection::Child | |
CHidReport::InputBlock | Structure representing an Input block whitin a Collection |
CHidReport::LocalState | Structure holding various global and local values for a Main item |
CHostedInterruptState | |
CHostedPhysicalMemoryManager::page | |
CHostedPhysicalMemoryManager::PageHashable | |
CHostedPhysicalMemoryManager::PageStack | The Stack of pages (below4GB, below64GB, no constraint) |
CHostedProcessorInformation | |
CHostedProcessorState | |
CHostedSchedulerState | |
CHostedSyscallState | |
CHostedTimer::Alarm | |
CHostedVirtualAddressSpace::mapping_t | |
CHTABSize | |
CI16_reg_t | |
CI2C | |
CI32_reg_t | |
Ci386_general_register | |
Ci386_general_regs | |
Ci386_segment_regs | |
Ci386_special_regs | |
CI8_reg_t | |
Cicmp6_echo_hdr | |
Cicmp6_hdr | |
Cicmp_echo_hdr | |
CIdentifyData | |
CIdList | |
CIdList::IdList_item | |
CIdxCover | |
Cigmp_msg | |
Cin6_addr | |
Cin_addr | |
CIncrblob | |
CIncrMerger | |
CIndex | |
CIndexSample | |
CInfoBlock | |
CInitData | |
CInode | |
CInput::InputNotification | |
CInputManager | |
CInputManager::CallbackItem | |
CInputManager::InputNotification | |
CInstrumentationRecord | |
CIntegrityCk | |
►CInterface | |
CCmdLineInterface | |
►CInterruptHandler | Abstract base class for interrupt-handlers |
CArmBeagleSerial | Implements the UART interface on the BeagleBoard |
CCountCompareTimer | |
CDebugger | |
CDecrementer | |
CGPTimer | |
CHeathrow | |
CHostedIrqManager | |
CMIPS32TlbManager | |
CNMFaultHandler | |
COpenPic | |
CPageFaultHandler | |
CPic | |
CPic | |
►CInterruptManager | Handles interrupts and interrupt registrations from kernel components |
CARM926EInterruptManager | |
CARMV7InterruptManager | |
CHostedInterruptManager | |
CMIPS32InterruptManager | |
CPPC32InterruptManager | |
CX64InterruptManager | |
CX86InterruptManager | |
►CIoBase | Abstrace base class for hardware I/O capabilities |
CIoPort | I/O port range |
CMemoryMappedIo | Memory mapped I/O range |
CIoPortManager | Manages hardware I/O port (de)allocations |
CIoPortManager::IoPortInfo | |
Cip4_addr_packed | |
Cip6_addr_packed | |
Cip6_frag_hdr | |
Cip6_hbh_hdr | |
Cip6_hdr | |
Cip_globals | |
Cip_hdr | |
Cip_pcb | |
CIpAddress | |
CIpc::IpcEndpoint | |
CIpc::IpcEndpoint::QueuedMessage | A queued message ready for retrieval |
CIpc::IpcMessage | |
►CIrqHandler | |
CAtaController | |
CCdiIrqHandler | |
CEhci | |
CHostedSchedulerTimer | |
CHostedTimer | |
CNe2k | |
CNic3C90x | |
COhci | |
CPit | |
CPs2Controller | |
CRtc | |
CRtl8139 | |
CUhci | |
►CIrqManager | |
CHeathrow | |
CHostedIrqManager | |
COpenPic | |
CPic | |
CPic | |
►CIsaDma | |
CX86IsaDma | |
CIso9660DirRecord | |
CIso9660DirTimestamp | |
CIso9660Timestamp | |
CIso9660VolumeDescriptor | |
CIso9660VolumeDescriptorPrimary | |
CIterator< originalT, Struct, FunctionPrev, FunctionNext, T > | An iterator applicable for many data structures |
CIteratorAdapter< T, Iterator > | IteratorAdapter reinterpret_casts an Iterators element to another type |
Ckbentry | |
►CKeyboard | |
CArmBeagleKeyboard | |
CArmVersatileKeyboard | |
CHostedKeyboard | |
CMaltaKeyboard | |
CPPCKeyboard | |
CX86Keyboard | |
CKeyInfo | |
CKeymapManager | |
CKeymapManager::KeymapEntry | Structure representing an entry in the keymap table |
CKeymapManager::KeyState | |
CKeymapManager::SparseEntry | Structure representing an entry in the sparse table |
CLazyEvaluate< T, M, create, destroy > | |
CLibUiProtocol::CreateMessage | |
CLibUiProtocol::CreateMessageResponse | |
CLibUiProtocol::DestroyMessage | |
CLibUiProtocol::GetParentMessage | |
CLibUiProtocol::GetPropertyMessage | |
CLibUiProtocol::KeyEventMessage | |
CLibUiProtocol::LargeBufferPrepareMessage | |
CLibUiProtocol::MouseEventMessage | |
CLibUiProtocol::RawKeyEventMessage | |
CLibUiProtocol::RepositionMessage | |
CLibUiProtocol::RequestRedrawMessage | |
CLibUiProtocol::SetParentMessage | |
CLibUiProtocol::SetPropertyMessage | |
CLibUiProtocol::SetTitleMessage | |
CLibUiProtocol::SetVisibilityMessage | |
CLibUiProtocol::SyncMessage | |
CLibUiProtocol::SyncMessageResponse | |
CLibUiProtocol::WindowManagerMessage | |
CLimitVal | |
ClinearAddress | |
Clinux_dirent | |
CList< T, nodePoolSize > | |
CList< Buffer::MonitorTarget * > | |
CList< Buffer::Segment * > | |
CList< Cache * > | |
CList< char * > | |
CList< class Thread * > | |
CList< Display::ScreenMode * > | |
CList< Dm9601::Packet * > | |
CList< Event * > | |
CList< File::MonitorTarget * > | |
CList< Filesystem::ProbeCallback * > | |
CList< GPTimer::Alarm * > | |
CList< GraphicsService::GraphicsProvider * > | |
CList< Group * > | |
CList< HostedTimer::Alarm * > | |
CList< InputManager::CallbackItem * > | |
CList< InputManager::InputNotification * > | |
CList< Ipc::IpcEndpoint::QueuedMessage * > | |
CList< IrqHandler * > | |
CList< MemoryPressureHandler * > | |
CList< MemoryTrapHandler * > | |
CList< MountCallback * > | |
CList< Ne2k::packet * > | |
CList< Ohci::ED * > | |
CList< Ohci::TD * > | |
CList< PosixProcess * > | |
CList< Process * > | |
CList< Process *, 0 > | |
CList< ProducerConsumer::Task * > | |
CList< RequestQueue::Request * > | |
CList< RingBuffer::MonitorTarget * > | |
CList< Rtc::Alarm * > | |
CList< Semaphore * > | |
CList< struct UnixSocket::buf * > | |
CList< T > | |
CList< TD * > | |
CList< Thread * > | |
CList< Uhci::QH * > | |
CList< Uhci::TD * > | |
CList< UnixSocket * > | |
CList< UsbPnP::CallbackItem * > | |
CList< User * > | |
CList< void * > | |
CList< WakeReason * > | |
Clist_node | |
Clist_t | |
CLiteInstrumentationRecord | |
Clladdr_option | |
CLockedFile | |
CLockGuard< T > | |
CLockManager | |
CLocksCommand::LockDescriptor | |
CLog | Kernel's log |
►CLog::LogCallback | |
CSerialLogger | |
CStreamingScreenLogger | |
CLog::LogEntry | |
CLookaside | |
CLookasideSlot | |
CLruCache< K, T, Slots > | LruCache provides a least-recently-used cache abstraction |
CLruCache< K, T, Slots >::Slot | |
CLruCache< String, File * > | |
CLruCache< String, Filesystem * > | |
Clwip_cyclic_timer | |
CLwipSocketSyscalls::LwipMetadata | |
CMacAddress | |
►CMachine | |
CArmBeagle | |
CArmVersatile | |
CBonito64 | |
CDb1500 | |
CHostedMachine | |
CMac | |
CMalta | |
CPc | |
Cmallinfo | |
Cmalloc_chunk | |
Cmalloc_params | |
Cmalloc_segment | |
Cmalloc_state | |
Cmalloc_tree_chunk | |
CMaltaSerial::serial | |
Cmap_entry | |
Cmap_operand | |
CMD5 | This class represents the implementation of the md5 message digest algorithm |
CMem | |
Cmem | |
CMem::MemValue | |
CMemJournal | |
CMemoryBackend::Table | |
CMemoryCount | |
CMemoryMapEntry_t | |
►CMemoryMappedObject | |
CAnonymousMemoryMap | |
CMemoryMappedFile | |
CMemoryPool | |
►CMemoryPressureHandler | |
CMemoryMapManager | |
CMemoryPoolPressureHandler | |
CMemoryPressureProcessKiller | |
CSlamRecovery | |
CMemoryPressureManager | |
►CMemoryRegion | Special memory entity in the kernel's virtual address space |
CMemoryMappedIo | Memory mapped I/O range |
►CMemoryTrapHandler | |
CDLTrapHandler | |
CMemoryMapManager | |
Cmemp | |
Cmemp_desc | |
CMemPage | |
CMergeEngine | |
CMetaData | |
CMIPS32InterruptState | |
CMIPS64InterruptState | |
CMIPS64SyscallState | |
CMIPSCommonProcessorInformation | |
Cmld_header | |
CModule | |
CMove | |
Cmtu_option | |
CMultiprocessor | |
CMultiprocessor::IoApicInformation | |
CMultiprocessor::ProcessorInformation | |
Cna_header | |
CNameContext | |
►CNativeBase | |
CFoo | |
CNe2k::packet | |
Cnetif | |
CNetworkFilter | |
CNetworkStack::Packet | |
►CNetworkSyscalls | |
CLwipSocketSyscalls | |
CUnixSocketSyscalls | |
CnewThreadData | |
Cnic | |
CNic3C90x::RXD | |
CNic3C90x::TXD | |
Cnonconst_type< T > | Remove the const qualifier of a type |
Cnonconst_type< const T > | Remove the const qualifier of a type |
Cns_header | |
►CObject | |
CDemo | |
CObjectPool< T, poolSize > | |
CObjectPool< _ListNode_t, 16 > | |
CObjectPool< _ListNode_t, nodePoolSize > | |
CObjectPool< RadixTree::Node > | |
COFDevice | |
COhci::ED | |
COhci::ED::MetaData | |
COhci::Hcca | |
COhci::TD | |
COpenFirmware | |
COpenFirmware::PromArgs | |
COpenPic::Feature | |
Cpacked_struct_test | |
CPager | |
CPagerSavepoint | |
CPair< T1, T2 > | |
CParse | |
CParse::yColCache | |
Cpat | |
Cpbuf | |
Cpbuf_rom | |
CPCache | |
CPCache1 | |
CPcapHeader | |
CPcapRecord | |
CPciBus | |
CPciBus::ConfigSpace | |
CPedigree::IpAddress | |
CPedigree::Network | |
CPedigree::NetworkDevice | |
Cpedigree_fb_mode | |
Cpedigree_fb_modeset | All zeroes = 'revert to text mode' |
Cpedigree_fb_rect | |
Cpedigree_mbox | |
CPedigreeGraphics::Buffer | |
CPedigreeGraphics::Framebuffer | |
CPedigreeGraphics::GraphicsProvider | |
CPedigreeGraphics::Rect | |
►CPedigreeIpc::StandardIpcMessage | A standard IPC message that is less than 4 KB in size |
CPedigreeIpc::SharedIpcMessage | |
CPgFreeslot | |
CPgHdr | |
CPgHdr1 | |
CPGroup | |
►CPhysicalMemoryManager | |
CArmV7PhysicalMemoryManager | Implementation of the PhysicalMemoryManager for common arm |
CHostedPhysicalMemoryManager | Implementation of the PhysicalMemoryManager for common x86 |
CMipsCommonPhysicalMemoryManager | Implementation of the PhysicalMemoryManager for common mips |
CPpcCommonPhysicalMemoryManager | Implementation of the PhysicalMemoryManager for common ppc |
CX86CommonPhysicalMemoryManager | Implementation of the PhysicalMemoryManager for common x86 |
CPhysicalMemoryManager::MemoryRegionInfo | |
CPmaReader | |
CPmaWriter | |
CPng | |
CPointerGuard< T > | |
CPosixProcess::RobustListData | |
CPosixSession | |
CPosixSubsystem::AlternateSignalStack | |
CPosixSubsystem::PosixSyncObject | |
CPosixSubsystem::PosixThread | |
CPosixSubsystem::PosixThreadKey | |
CPosixSubsystem::SignalHandler | |
CPPC32InterruptState | |
CPPC32SchedulerState | |
CPPC32VirtualAddressSpace::ShadowPageTable | |
CPpcCommonPhysicalMemoryManager::PageStack | |
CPPCCommonProcessorInformation | |
CPPCDisassembler::Instruction | |
CPPCDisassembler::InstructionFormB | |
CPPCDisassembler::InstructionFormD | |
CPPCDisassembler::InstructionFormDS | |
CPPCDisassembler::InstructionFormI | |
CPPCDisassembler::InstructionFormM | |
CPPCDisassembler::InstructionFormSC | |
CPPCDisassembler::InstructionFormX | |
CPPCDisassembler::InstructionFormXFX | |
CPPCDisassembler::InstructionFormXL | |
CPPCDisassembler::InstructionFormXO | |
CPrcm | |
Cprefix_option | |
CPreUpdate | |
CPrintfArguments | |
►CProcess | |
CPosixProcess | |
CProcess::ProcessMetadata | |
CProcessGroup | |
CProcessGroupManager | |
CProcessor | The exception was caused by a hardware task switch |
CProcessorThreadAllocator | |
CProducerConsumer | |
CProducerConsumer::Task | |
Cprom_args | |
CProtocolManager | |
Cra_header | |
CRadixTree< T > | A key/value dictionary for string keys |
CRadixTree< T >::Node | |
CRadixTree< ConfigurationBackend * > | |
CRadixTree< ConfigValue * > | |
CRadixTree< MemoryBackend::Table * > | |
CRadixTree< ServiceManager::InternalService * > | |
CRadixTree< void * > | |
CRange | |
CRangeList< T, Reversed > | |
CRangeList< T, Reversed >::Range | |
CRangeList< physical_uintptr_t > | |
CRangeList< uint32_t > | |
CRangeList< uint64_t > | |
CRangeList< uintptr_t > | |
Crdnss_option | |
CRecursingLockGuard< T > | |
Credirect_header | |
Credirected_header_option | |
►CRequestQueue | |
CCacheManager | |
CEhci | |
CNetworkStack | |
COhci | |
CScsiController | |
CUhci | |
CZombieQueue | |
CRequestQueue::Request | |
CResult< T, E > | |
CReturnState | |
CReusableSpace | |
Crgb_t | |
CRingBuffer< T > | Utility class to provide a ring buffer |
CRingBuffer< T >::MonitorTarget | |
CRingBuffer< struct UnixSocket::buf * > | |
CRingBuffer< void * > | |
Croute_option | |
CRowSet | |
CRowSetChunk | |
CRowSetEntry | |
Crs_header | |
CRtc::Alarm | |
CRtc::periodicIrqInfo_t | |
CRtl8139::packet | |
CSavepoint | |
CScanStatus | |
CScheduler | This class manages how processes and threads are scheduled across processors |
►CSchedulerTimer | |
CCountCompareTimer | |
CDecrementer | |
CGPTimer | |
CHostedSchedulerTimer | |
CPit | |
►CSchedulingAlgorithm | |
CRoundRobin | |
CSchema | |
CScratchFreeslot | |
►CScrollable | |
CAllocationCommand | |
CDevicesCommand::DeviceInfo | |
CDevicesCommand::DeviceTree | |
CLocksCommand | |
CLogViewer | |
CMemoryInspector | |
CSlamCommand | |
CSyscallTracerCommand | |
CThreadsCommand | |
CTraceCommand::Disassembly | |
CTraceCommand::Registers | |
CTraceCommand::Stacktrace | |
►CScsiCommand | |
CScsiCommands::Inquiry | |
CScsiCommands::Read10 | |
CScsiCommands::Read12 | |
CScsiCommands::Read16 | |
CScsiCommands::ReadCapacity10 | |
CScsiCommands::ReadSense | |
CScsiCommands::ReadTocCommand | |
CScsiCommands::SendDiagnostic | |
CScsiCommands::StartStop | |
CScsiCommands::Synchronise10 | |
CScsiCommands::Synchronise16 | |
CScsiCommands::UnitReady | |
CScsiCommands::Write10 | |
CScsiCommands::Write12 | |
CScsiCommands::Write16 | |
CScsiCommands::Read10::command | |
CScsiCommands::Read12::command | |
CScsiCommands::Read16::command | |
CScsiCommands::ReadTocCommand::TocEntry | |
CScsiCommands::Synchronise10::command | |
CScsiCommands::Synchronise16::command | |
CScsiCommands::Write10::command | |
CScsiCommands::Write12::command | |
CScsiCommands::Write16::command | |
CScsiDisk::Capacity | |
CScsiDisk::Inquiry | |
CScsiDisk::Sense | |
►CSearchAlgorithm | |
CMinimax | |
CSecondLevelDescriptor | |
CSelect | |
CSelectDest | |
►CSemaphore | |
CMutex | |
►CSerial | |
CArmBeagleSerial | Implements the UART interface on the BeagleBoard |
CArmVersatileSerial | |
CAu1500Serial | |
CFtdiSerialDevice | |
CHostedSerial | |
CMaltaSerial | |
CPPCSerial | |
CX86Serial | |
►CService | |
CGraphicsService | |
CPartitionService | |
CServiceFeatures | |
CServiceManager | |
CServiceManager::InternalService | |
CSHA1 | |
CSharedBuffer | Abstracts a buffer shared between multiple processes |
CSharedPointer< T > | |
CSharedPointer< T >::Control | |
CSharedPointer< class NetworkSyscalls > | |
CSharedPointer< ExtensibleBitmap > | |
CSideState | |
CSingleton< T > | |
Csixargs | |
CSlamAllocator | |
CSlamAllocator::AllocFooter | |
CSlamAllocator::AllocHeader | |
CSlamCache | |
CSlamCache::Node | |
CSlamCommand::SlamAllocation | |
Cslipif_priv | |
CSortCtx | |
CSorterFile | |
CSorterList | |
CSorterRecord | |
CSortSubtask | |
Csparse_entry | |
Cspecial_recv_data | |
Cspecial_send_data | |
CSpinlock | |
CSpookyHash | |
Csqlite3 | |
Csqlite3::sqlite3InitInfo | |
Csqlite3_api_routines | |
Csqlite3_backup | |
Csqlite3_context | |
Csqlite3_file | |
Csqlite3_index_info | |
Csqlite3_index_info::sqlite3_index_constraint | |
Csqlite3_index_info::sqlite3_index_constraint_usage | |
Csqlite3_index_info::sqlite3_index_orderby | |
Csqlite3_io_methods | |
Csqlite3_mem_methods | |
Csqlite3_module | |
Csqlite3_mutex | |
Csqlite3_mutex_methods | |
Csqlite3_pcache_methods | |
Csqlite3_pcache_methods2 | |
Csqlite3_pcache_page | |
Csqlite3_rtree_geometry | |
Csqlite3_rtree_query_info | |
Csqlite3_vfs | |
Csqlite3_vtab | |
Csqlite3_vtab_cursor | |
CSqlite3Config | |
CSQLiteThread | |
CSquare | |
CSrcCount | |
CSrcList | |
CSrcList::SrcList_item | |
►CStackFrameBase | |
CARM926EStackFrame | |
CARMV7StackFrame | |
CHostedStackFrame | |
CMIPS32StackFrame | |
CMIPS64StackFrame | |
CPPC32StackFrame | |
CX64StackFrame | |
CX86StackFrame | |
CStat4Accum | |
CStat4Sample | |
CStaticCord< N > | |
CStaticCord< N >::CordIterator | |
CStaticCord< N >::CordSegment | |
CStaticString< N > | |
CStaticString< 128 > | |
CStaticString< 64 > | |
CStaticString< LOG_LENGTH > | |
CStationInfo | |
CStrAccum | |
CString | |
►CStringView | |
CHashedStringView | |
CSubProgram | |
►CSubsystem | |
CPosixSubsystem | |
CSumCtx | |
CSuperblock | |
CSuperblock16 | |
CSuperblock32 | |
Csymbol | |
CSymbolTable | |
CSymbolTable::Symbol | |
CSyncTimer | |
►CSyscallHandler | |
CKernelCoreSyscallManager | |
CNativeSyscallManager | |
CPedigreeCSyscallManager | |
CPosixSyscallManager | |
►CSyscallManager | |
CARM926EInterruptManager | |
CARMV7InterruptManager | |
CHostedSyscallManager | |
CMIPS32InterruptManager | |
CPPC32InterruptManager | |
CX64SyscallManager | |
CX86InterruptManager | |
CSyscallTracer | |
CTable | |
Ctable_entry | |
CTableLock | |
CTabResult | |
Ctcp_hdr | |
Ctcpip_api_call_data | |
Ctcpip_msg | |
CTerminal | |
Ctermios_compatible | |
CTextIO::VgaCell | |
CThread | |
CThread::StateLevel | |
Cthread_meta | |
►CThreadToCoreAllocationAlgorithm | |
CRoundRobinCoreAllocator | |
CTime::runAfterParams | |
CTime::Stopwatch | |
CTimeoutGuard | |
►CTimer | |
CGPTimer | |
CHostedTimer | |
CRtc | |
►CTimerHandler | |
CCacheManager | |
CHidInputManager | |
CIb700Watchdog | |
CIntervalTimer | |
CPerProcessorScheduler | |
CRequestQueue::RequestQueueOverrunChecker | |
CUhci | |
CTimestamp | |
CTimeTracker | |
CToken | |
CTranslations | |
CTranslations::Translation | |
CTree< K, E > | A key/value dictionary |
CTree< K, E >::IteratorNode | |
CTree< K, E >::Node | |
CTree< Elf *, SharedPointer< symbolTree_t > > | |
CTree< Filesystem *, List< String * > * > | |
CTree< Network *, struct netif * > | |
CTree< PerProcessorScheduler *, List< Thread * > * > | |
CTree< PerProcessorScheduler *, PerProcessorScheduler * > | |
CTree< rgb_t *, VbeDisplay::Buffer * > | |
CTree< size_t, AllocationCommand::Allocation * > | |
CTree< size_t, bool > | |
CTree< size_t, Device * > | |
CTree< size_t, FileDescriptor * > | |
CTree< size_t, Group * > | |
CTree< size_t, List< void * > * > | |
CTree< size_t, PosixSubsystem::PosixSyncObject * > | |
CTree< size_t, PosixSubsystem::PosixThread * > | |
CTree< size_t, PosixSubsystem::PosixThreadKey * > | |
CTree< size_t, PosixSubsystem::SignalHandler * > | |
CTree< size_t, ProcFsDirectory * > | |
CTree< size_t, SlamCommand::SlamAllocation * > | |
CTree< size_t, User * > | |
CTree< struct netconn *, LwipSocketSyscalls * > | |
CTree< Thread *, PerProcessorScheduler * > | |
CTree< uint8_t, HidInputManager::KeyState * > | |
CTree< uint8_t, KeymapManager::KeyState * > | |
CTree< uintptr_t, Cache::CachePage * > | |
CTree< uintptr_t, DynamicLinker::SharedObject * > | |
CTree< uintptr_t, physical_uintptr_t > | |
CTree< uintptr_t, uintptr_t > | |
CTree< VirtualAddressSpace *, List * > | |
CTree< void *, NativeBase * > | |
CTree< void *, Semaphore * > | |
CTreeIterator< originalT, Struct, FunctionPrev, FunctionNext, K, T > | An iterator applicable for many data structures |
CTrigEvent | |
CTrigger | |
CTriggerPrg | |
CTriggerStep | |
CTui | |
CTuiLocal | |
►CTuiRedrawer | |
CGfxConTuiRedrawer | |
Cud | |
Cud_operand | |
Cudp_hdr | |
CUhci::QH | |
CUhci::QH::MetaData | |
CUhci::TD | |
CUninterruptible | |
►CUniqueCommon< T > | |
CUniqueArray< T > | |
CUniquePointer< T > | |
►CUniqueCommon< char > | |
CUniqueArray< char > | |
CunixFile | |
CunixFileId | |
CunixInodeInfo | |
CunixShm | |
CunixShmNode | |
CUnixSocket::buf | |
CUnixUnusedFd | |
CUnlikelyLock | |
CUnpackedRecord | |
CUsbConfigurationDescriptor | |
►CUsbDevice | |
CDm9601 | |
CFtdiSerialDevice | |
CUsbHubDevice | |
CUsbHumanInterfaceDevice | |
CUsbMassStorageDevice | |
CUsbDevice::ConfigDescriptor | |
CUsbDevice::DeviceDescriptor | |
CUsbDevice::DeviceQualifier | |
CUsbDevice::Endpoint | |
CUsbDevice::Interface | |
CUsbDevice::Setup | |
CUsbDevice::UnknownDescriptor | |
CUsbDeviceDescriptor | |
CUsbEndpoint | |
CUsbEndpointDescriptor | |
CUsbHub::SyncParam | Structure used synchronous transactions |
CUsbHubDevice::HubDescriptor | |
CUsbHubDevice::HubDescriptor::Descriptor | |
CUsbHumanInterfaceDevice::HidDescriptor | |
CUsbHumanInterfaceDevice::HidDescriptor::Descriptor | |
CUsbInterfaceDescriptor | |
CUsbMassStorageDevice::Cbw | |
CUsbMassStorageDevice::Csw | |
CUsbPnP | |
CUsbPnP::CallbackItem | |
CUsbUlpi | |
CUser | |
CUserManager | |
CValueNewStat4Ctx | |
CvbeControllerInfo | |
CVbeDisplay::Buffer | |
CvbeModeInfo | |
CVdbe | |
CVdbeCursor | |
CVdbeFrame | |
CVdbeOp | |
CVdbeOp::p4union | |
CVdbeOpList | |
CVdbeSorter | |
CVector< T > | A vector / dynamic array |
CVector< T >::ReverseIteratorContainer< T_ > | |
CVector< _ListNode_t * > | |
CVector< AllocationCommand::Allocation * > | |
CVector< ConsoleFile * > | |
CVector< Cord::CordSegment > | |
CVector< Device * > | |
CVector< Device::Address * > | |
CVector< HidReport::Collection::Child * > | |
CVector< int64_t > | |
CVector< IoPort * > | |
CVector< MemoryRegion * > | |
CVector< Module * > | |
CVector< Network * > | |
CVector< Node * > | |
CVector< RadixTree::Node * > | |
CVector< RangeList::Range * > | |
CVector< Semaphore * > | |
CVector< size_t > | |
CVector< Stack * > | |
CVector< T * > | |
CVector< Thread * > | |
CVector< uint32_t > | |
CVector< UsbDevice::ConfigDescriptor * > | |
CVector< UsbDevice::Endpoint * > | |
CVector< UsbDevice::Interface * > | |
CVector< UsbDevice::UnknownDescriptor * > | |
CVector< void * > | |
CVFS | |
►CVga | |
CArmBeagleVga | |
CArmVersatileVga | |
CAu1500Vga | |
CHostedVga | |
CMaltaVga | |
CPPCVga | |
CX86Vga | |
►CVirtualAddressSpace | |
CArm926EVirtualAddressSpace | |
►CArmV7VirtualAddressSpace | |
CArmV7KernelVirtualAddressSpace | |
CHostedVirtualAddressSpace | |
CMIPS32VirtualAddressSpace | |
CPPC32VirtualAddressSpace | |
CX64VirtualAddressSpace | |
►CX86VirtualAddressSpace | |
CX86KernelVirtualAddressSpace | |
CVirtualAddressSpace::Stack | |
CVirtualTerminalManager | |
CVirtualTerminalManager::VirtualTerminal | |
CVsidManager | |
CVsidManager::VsidStack | |
Cvt_mode | |
Cvt_stat | |
CVtabCtx | |
CVTable | |
CvxworksFileId | |
CWaitCleanup | |
CWal | |
CWalCkptInfo | |
CWalIndexHdr | |
CWalIterator | |
CWalIterator::WalSegment | |
CWalker | |
CWalWriter | |
CWhereAndInfo | |
CWhereClause | |
CWhereInfo | |
CWhereLevel | |
CWhereLoop | |
CWhereLoopBuilder | |
CWhereMaskSet | |
CWhereOrCost | |
CWhereOrInfo | |
CWhereOrSet | |
CWherePath | |
CWhereScan | |
CWhereTerm | |
►CWidget | |
CGears | |
CPedigreeTerminalEmulator | |
CTestWidget | |
CWith | |
CWith::Cte | |
►CWObject | |
►CContainer | |
CRootContainer | |
CWindow | |
CX64GdtManager | |
CX64GdtManager::segment_descriptor | |
CX64GdtManager::tss_descriptor | |
CX64InterruptManager::GateDescriptor | |
CX64InterruptState | |
CX64ProcessorState | |
CX64SchedulerState | |
CX64SyscallState | |
CX64TaskStateSegment | |
CX86CommonPhysicalMemoryManager::page | |
CX86CommonPhysicalMemoryManager::PageHashable | |
CX86CommonPhysicalMemoryManager::PageStack | The Stack of pages (below4GB, below64GB, no constraint) |
CX86CommonProcessorInformation | |
CX86EMU_memFuncs | |
CX86EMU_pioFuncs | |
CX86EMU_regs | |
CX86EMU_sysEnv | |
CX86GdtManager | |
CX86GdtManager::segment_descriptor | |
CX86InterruptManager::GateDescriptor | |
CX86InterruptState | |
CX86ProcessorState | |
CX86TaskStateSegment | |
CXterm | |
CXterm::Window | |
CXterm::Window::TermChar | |
CXterm::XtermCmd | Set of parameters for the XTerm commands |
CXterm::XtermOsControl | |
Cyy_buffer_state | |
Cyy_trans_info | |
Cyyalloc | |
CyyParser | |
CyyStackEntry | |
►CZombieObject | |
CZombiePipe | |
CZombieProcess | Special wrapper object for Process |